Why join a Prep School in Year 5 or 6?

Discover the benefits of beginning your child's academic journey at Prep School during Years 5 and 6.
The traditional entry points for Prep and Senior School are changing, with an ever-increasing number of families recognising the benefits of starting their child's journey in the nurturing environment of Prep School in Years 5 and 6 in readiness to join the Senior School in Year 7.
A Holistic Approach
As an all-through school encompassing both Prep and Senior Schools, Lingfield is uniquely positioned to offer a seamless educational experience. We work closely across both schools to ensure a smooth and easy transition from Year 6 to Year 7. Last year, an impressive 95% of Lingfield College Prep pupils moved up to the Senior School, a testament to the success of our approach.
Settling in with Confidence
One of the key benefits of joining Lingfield College Prep in Years 5 and 6 is the familiarity it instils. Having already settled into the school environment, developed friendships and participated in one of many transition activities or sporting events at the Senior School, our prep pupils have the comfort of being familiar with the environment, the facilities and the staff teams. This accelerates their integration into the new setting, and they will be able to focus earlier on settling academically.
Gentler Admission Process
Enrolling in Year 5 or 6 also alleviates the pressure of looking for education in Year 7, when demand for places at schools can be very competitive. Pupils at our Prep School benefit by being automatically allocated a place at the Senior School, eliminating the need for re-entry examinations or testing. This gentler admissions process makes the entire process less daunting for both pupils and their parents.
7 More Reasons to Join Lingfield College Prep.
For a More Enriched & Enhanced Curriculum
We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, extending beyond the National Curriculum. Specialist teachers support class teachers by providing lessons in Science, PE, Languages, Music and Drama, similar to what they would experience in Senior School. This gives children wider learning opportunities, broadens perspectives, and prepares them at a younger age for Senior School.
Enrichment activities are woven through the curriculum, bringing the learning to life with trips, workshops, talks, live demonstrations and special events.
Our co-curricular and enrichment programme is rich, stimulating and rewarding, designed to complement our curriculum by harnessing the natural curiosity of our pupils, encouraging them to try new experiences, building skills and developing talents. Our programme includes over 60 clubs, groups, and activities. Whether a child is sporty, creative, musical or academic, there is something for everyone. Clubs run before, during and after school.
For More Individual Teaching & Smaller Classes
Lingfield Prep has a committed and well-qualified teaching staff of class teachers, assistants, and subject specialists. A high staff-to-pupil ratio and smaller teaching groups, especially in Maths and English lessons, mean children learn effectively and progress rapidly. The children are set from Year 3 in Maths and Year 5 in English. Teachers can lead more focused lessons and provide each pupil with the individual attention they need, helping them realise their potential and supporting them where needed.
For the Celebration of Talents & Potential
At Lingfield Prep, we recognise potential from an early age and celebrate these talents in the form of various scholarships for academics, music and sport and are available for entry into Year 5. Acknowledging these areas of skill from an early age allows children to excel where they are most passionate. Our School Motto, ‘I can, I know I can’, encourages self-belief and confidence in our pupils.
For Excellence in Music & Performing Arts
From the beginning of Nursery, pupils at Lingfield Prep receive a weekly music lesson taught by a specialist music teacher. Throughout their time at school, all pupils can make music an integral part of their week. Learning music is fun; lessons are inspiring, and a sense of enjoyment is created. Over a third of the school’s children participate in a choir, and over 110 children learn an instrument with one of the school’s team of 14 visiting Music Teachers. We offer Piano, Vocals, Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Drums, Orchestral Percussion, Violin, Cello, Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Mini Bassoon, Oboe, Harp, and Guitar. Many pupils will go on to take ABRSM and Trinity music exams.
In music lessons, the children are introduced to and continually revisit the three key elements of performance, composition and listening. In addition, they can increasingly take full advantage of the role of technology within music by using our dedicated Mac Suite.
Furthermore, pupils are given regular opportunities to perform in concerts and productions as soloists or as part of ensembles within the school and the local community. This is where music really comes alive for many pupils at Lingfield Prep. The opportunity children have to make and perform music is a real strength of the Department.
For an Inspiring Learning Environment
We firmly believe that the wonderful facilities enhance children’s experience, increase their enjoyment, and give them more opportunities to try new things and develop new skills.
Located on the outskirts of Lingfield village, Lingfield Prep School is set in its own leafy green, secluded 16-acre site. Children benefit from facilities, including a Drama Studio, Sports Hall, All Weather Pitch, Science Lab, Library, ICT Suites, Art Room and Music Department.
A redevelopment project completed in 2022 provided us with new Foundation Stage classrooms and dynamic play spaces for all ages.
The Prep School also benefits from many nearby Senior School Facilities, including Sports Pitches, Astro, Theatre and Sports Facilities.
For Wrap-Around Care Options
At Lingfield Prep we recognise the difficulties of working parents who need high-quality wrap-around care for their child. We provide a breakfast club each day from 7.30am in our dining room, and our After School Club (TeaRex) operates daily throughout the term from the end of the timetabled day until 6.30pm.
During the school holidays, our Fun Days Holiday club offers fun, structured and affordable holiday childcare from 8.30am – 5.30pm. Our external provider, Camp Beaumont, runs additional weeks in Easter and the Summer Holidays to cover any breaks.
For Community & Social Awareness
At Prep School, we encourage children and their families to positively impact the wider community. This might be bringing food to a local food bank, bake sales, singing in the local care home, raising money for local or national charities, or working closely with other local schools. Our pupils very much lead our charity work. Each year, we nominate a charity and do lots of fundraising throughout the year. Working with charities and linking with the local community allows our pupils to become respectful global citizens.
Hear it from our parents.
I am so glad we decided to join in year 5. It made the transition to Lingfield Senior so much easier as he had already made lots of friends to move up with.
Year 7 parent
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