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Welcome to the vibrant world of music at Lingfield College Prep. Our music department is a hub of creativity and musical skill development, where we take pride in nurturing a lifelong passion for music amongst our pupils through singing, composing, performing and appraising.

At Prep, an impressive 65% of our pupils play an instrument from as early as year 2 upwards, and over a third will join one of our many choirs. With over 15 opportunities to perform in a concert or production every year, Prep pupils not only learn to master their instruments but also gain a real sense of achievement and enhance their social and team-working skills, as well as develop an appreciation for the pleasure that music can bring to themselves and others.  

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The Music Curriculum

There is clear and compelling evidence for the links between playing an instrument and improved performance in Maths and English, particularly reading. Children begin to learn to read and write musical notation from Reception onwards, following the internationally renowned principles of Kodaly and Dalcroze. We use singing games and movement to create a secure grounding for a child to begin instrumental tuition. The national curriculum strands of listening, appraising, performing and composing are linked to class topics wherever possible and appropriate.  

Recorder Lessons

Every child from Year 2 until the end of Year 4 learns to play the recorder, through which the musical concepts being studied during class lessons are reinforced. The children are encouraged to practise regularly, which eases their transition to other instrumental playing. After the first term, they are grouped by ability and benefit from ongoing assessments. Children in Year 5 build upon these skills and experience playing the larger treble and tenor recorders in a unit on Tudor music. We offer extra support to children who join our School with no playing experience.


Every child should have the opportunity to shine, and for many, this happens in Music. Every year, there are early morning instrumental concerts for each Key Stage 2 class, during which all children perform to their parents and school community alongside plenty of other opportunities to perform to peers in assemblies. Older children are given the opportunity to play with our Senior School ensembles if their level of competence and commitment allows it. Our termly after-school concerts, Celebration Day, Carol Service and Open Morning enable all music groups to work towards regular performances. We love to share our music-making with others; we have performing links with our neighbouring schools and care homes, and we participate enthusiastically in local music festivals.

Time Allocation

There is a weekly Music session for Nursery children. In Reception and Key Stage 1, the children have two Music sessions of 30 minutes per week; Year 2 start to learn the recorder in one of these sessions. In Lower Key Stage 2 the children have a class lesson of 35 minutes and a recorder lesson of 30 minutes per week. In Upper Key Stage 2 the children receive an hour of Music once a week. Both Key Stages also meet separately once a week for singing practice.

Digital Learning

Digital learning is part of the musical experience for all Lingfield pupils, using a range of apps and programmes from Key Stage 1 onwards. This may include Charanga YUMU tools and lessons, as well as Naxos Music Box. MACs and IPads are used for research, online quizzes and composition tasks. From Year 5, pupils use GarageBand to input tracks, mix samples and create their own compositions. Children regularly record and assess their own work and each others.

Regular Music Groups

Music groups run all year, including the instrumental groups and year group choirs from Key Stage 2 (KS2) onwards. Players of all orchestral instruments may join the relevant group as soon as their teacher feels they are ready, providing them with a nurturing environment in which to gain confidence playing with others. Children do not have to learn their instruments in school to play in these groups.

Children are selected for the Lingfield Prep Orchestra when they reach a Grade 2 or 3 standard of playing. Membership of the orchestra and our Chamber Choir is a real honour, reflecting the children's hard work in developing their musical talent and ability. These children represent the School at festivals and other prestigious occasions. However, although high standards are celebrated and rewarded, the main purpose of these groups is to have fun making music together.

Our music groups are free of charge and run by experienced music and peripatetic teachers. The caring ethos of our school is particularly evident in these activities as the older, more experienced children delight in supporting the younger ones.

Music Clubs

Music clubs run in line with the school co-curricular timetable and children sign up each term. The clubs vary but typically may include Key Stage 1 percussion, ukulele, recorders, band workshops, and our ever-popular Samba Band and Sing-A-Ling Chorus. 

Supporting children who learn instruments in school through music exams is of the utmost importance to us. We offer aural training classes and extra sight-reading tuition in the run-up to the Grade exam sessions that are held here.