Tagged  senior 

Year 8 Students Win Faraday Challenge at Gatwick Airport Stem Centre

Year 8 Students Win Faraday Challenge at Gatwick Airport Stem Centre

Congratulations to Year 8 students Daniel, Matthew, Ellie, Thomas, Grace, and Joshua, who participated in and won the Faraday Challenge Day at the Gatwick Airport Stem Centre today.

The team competed against other schools in researching, designing and making prototype solutions to real-world engineering challenges. They now wait to hear if they qualify for the grand final.

The IET Faraday® Challenge Days are an annual competition of one-day STEM activities for pupils aged 12-13 years delivered free of charge by regional delivery partners on behalf of the Institute of Engineering and Technology.  They give students the opportunity to research, design and make prototype solutions to real-life engineering problems. The challenge enables students to experience working as an engineer for a day. At each event, teams compete to win a place on the season’s league table.


Tagged  senior 

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