Year 12 Showcase their Extended Project Qualification Presentations

On Tuesday, 21st May, Year 12 students presented their EPQ to members of staff and parents.
In addition to their A Level studies, Year 12 students were offered the opportunity to undertake an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). The EPQ is intended to enhance and expand our students' skills beyond the A Level curriculum. It is a student-driven project that requires thorough planning and research, culminating in a 5,000-word essay on a topic of their choosing.
The presentation evening contributes to their final grade and allows students to showcase the in-depth research and planning invested in their essays. Additionally, it allows them to present their work and respond to questions, demonstrating their extensive knowledge of their chosen subject.
The subjects that our students chose to conduct their research on were:
Lionel: What are the factors behind leading football clubs?
Anna: To what extent is Battered Woman Syndrome a valid defence to homicide within the English and Welsh legal system involving battered women who kill, allowing justice to be served in the eyes of our present society?
Lyra: How far were the cases of Alger Hiss and the Rosenberg’s similar?
Benjamin: How large an impact has the Russo-Ukraine War had on International Relations between Russia and the West?
Kochi: (Artefact) To create and evaluate a scale diagram of a new design for Chartham Park Golf and Country Club using Penal, Strategic and Heroic design principles to make it eligible for hosting DP world tour events.
Ben: (Artefact) Comparing and Exploring Graphic Design Tools and Principles Across Three Software Platforms.
Ysella: Does Capital Punishment reduce crime rates? A comparison between Iran and The United Kingdom.
Rupert: Are electric cars a viable form of transportation for our future in the UK and the general public? From an environmental, economic and social perspective.
Simreth: Where should responsibility be laid for the Global Financial Crisis of 2008?
Hannah: How did the media's coverage following terrorist attacks in New York and Madrid differ; an exploration into governmental manipulation of public opinion through the media.
James: How far are AAA Studios the driving force in the growth of the video game industry in recent years (2006-2024)?
Imogen: How are the uses of medical interventions to treat gender dysphoria affecting children and young adults?
Amelie: Have the Benefits of Bilingualism to an Individual's Cognitive Abilities Been Overstated Within Education and the Media, in the Context of Recent Academic Research
Callum: How has the rationale of the UK education system shaped people's ability to think freely in modern day?
Phoebe: Investigating the ethical and regulatory problems of Assisted dying: Under what specific circumstances should assisted dying be legalised? (Type of disease).
Anna: What socio-economic factors were the leading cause of mass incarceration for African American males in urban areas between the ages of 18-30 during the crack cocaine epidemic of the 1980s in the US?
Zac: To what extent is cryptocurrency a viable method of exchange for the future?
Adam: Ai in Warfare – Helpful or Hinderance?
Rory: Could AI-powered robots be a viable alternative to the jury system, in the UK?
Emily: How influential has Queen Elizabeth I’s reign been on aspects of modern-day English society?
Ben: What are the psychological reasons behind corruption in football?
Thomas: How could blockchain technology from cryptocurrencies be used in banking and finance and what could its impacts be?
Holly: Should the bible be banned in UK schools?
William: Can space saving architecture be taken in terms of the worlds housing market?
Eve: How can the current support system for the carers of people with dementia in the UK be enhanced to improve the lives of all?
Milo: Why did the West Indies cricket team rise and fall from being top of the table, strongest and most popular team so quickly? (1880 - 2023)
Jamie: (Artefact) Make an artefact of a game using C# programming language which is simplistic yet can be challenging when playing.
Edward: Is the mindset of the batter the most important aspect of a professional cricketer's innings?
James: (Artefact) Writing a western style/genre play script, based on western films.
Julian: Is the legend of Genghis Khan as a warrior and military genius accurate?
Scarlett: Did foundational astrophysical observations in the 1600s-1800s make a profound impact on the discovery of a black hole?
Charlotte: To what extent does social media have a positive or negative impact on its users and audience?
Amelia: How does the standard clinical criteria of recovery align with the lived experiences of female patients diagnosed with anorexia in the UK?
Sienna: Changing pressure in becoming successful on British professional footballers: a comparison of today and the 1970s.
Alice: If humanity experiences a population collapse, could the British government make it mandatory for fecund females to reproduce?
Alfie: How does the neurobiology of an autistic brain differ to that of a neurotypical brain?
Nathan: How will human augmentation change the way humans deal with neurological problems?
Monty: Dr. Miscamble states that “Truman’s using of the bomb can be seen as the least awful option available to him”. An investigation into Truman's actions against Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the ethical decision-making process.
Jack: How do historical and cultural factors influence the performance of a national rugby team?
Sulayman: Should auditors be liable for corporate fraud?
Andrew: How powerful is social media in impacting baking trends?