Lingfeld College's First Enrichment Week a Great Success

In a new initiative for 2024, students from years 7 to 9 embarked on an exciting week of enrichment beyond the classroom focusing on life skills, teamwork, collaboration and fun! It was a resounding success, and students and staff enjoyed the activities on offer.
Year 7
On Monday, Year 7 took on a range of different tasks, such as baking, salsa dancing and first aid, learning how to save a life using CPR and abdominal thrust. The rest of the week had a historical theme and kicked off with a trip to Battle Abbey, where they learned all about the Battle of Hastings. They looked at ancient artefacts, explored a castle, and were told about the area's past and origins. On Wednesday, they were lucky enough to visit the Globe Theatre in London, where they toured the theatre and had an engrossing lecture about Shakespeare and his great works.
On Thursday, Year 7 had a talk from an external speaker about the history of Kings and Queens. They were able to handle and even try on ancient artefacts such as old helmets and fur that historical figures used to wear.
Year 8
Year 8 started the week with a visit to the historic Chatham Docks, the Royal Navy dockyard. On Tuesday they dabbled in creative writing by creating a story based on a Dystopian author's style. Teachers encouraged them to challenge their minds with this genre of literacy, and a different writing style. In the afternoon, they shared their stories with Dystopian author Sarah Govett who was very impressed with their imagination.
On Wednesday, Year 8 spent time working on a "One Day Film", where they were put into groups and asked to create a film about anything they chose and spend the entire day making and producing a piece. After this, students were brought into the auditorium for their work to be broadcast on the big screen for their year group to enjoy.
Year 9
Year 9 spent Monday involved in Youth Enterprise, where they were tasked with creating a brand idea and pitching it to external experts. On Tuesday, they took part in a carousel of activities, including photography, cooking, Zorbing, and STEM activities. The cooking was a big hit, with some delicious Greek salads, fruit smoothies, and pasta dishes being created in the F & N room.
On Wednesday, Year 9 were off to Thorpe Park to test their strength on different roller-coasters, challenging teachers who could last the longest without screaming! Students thought this trip to be "really exciting" and "scary but fun".
On Thursday we had our final day of activities. In the morning, students took part in a colour run round the field, going through obstacles such as a paddling pool, weaving in and out of rounders poles, army crawling through a camouflage net, and going through hula-hoops, whilst having teachers throw dried paint at them, and not to mention Mr Grant spraying passers-by with a hose!
In the afternoon, all lower school year groups met in the auditorium to watch house representatives play a game of "Deal or No Deal" with Mr. Allen-Monk presenting. Teachers had to pick out of mystery boxes whether they were to earn up to 1000 merits at the start of the next academic year. They then moved on to a miniature remake of "The Masked Singer", where teachers donned inflatable suits and sang a song of their choosing.