Student Team


Secretary Generals: Simreth, Cormac

Deputy Secretary Generals: Miko, Lyra

Under Secretary General: Izzy


Head of Media & Communications: Barnaby

Media Assistants: Charlie, Lewis

Head of IT & Infrastructure: Barnaby, Miko


UNSC (Security Council)

Chair: Simreth

Co-Chair: Holly

ECOFIN (Economic and Financial Affairs Council)

Chair: Miko

Co-Chair: Nathan

DISEC (Disarmament and International Security)

Chair: Nathan

Co-Chair: James

WHO (World Health Organisation)

Chair: Kochi

Co-Chair: Phoebe

SPECPOL (Special, Political and Decolonisation)

Chair: Lyra

Co-Chair: Anna

UNEA (Environmental Committee)

Chair: Louis

Co-Chair: Matthew

UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund)

Chair: Myles

Co-Chair: Aryan