Baby Room - The Cocoon

Children aged between six months and two years start their journey at Lingfield College Nursery in our brand-new baby room - The Cocoon, which opened in February 2023. Here, we focus on creating a natural, calm, homely environment where babies are given the love, care and individual attention which are vital at this phase of their lives. 

The room is bright and airy, with a thoughtful layout and integrated changing and sleeping facilities. Natural and holistic play is at the forefront of the new design, using primarily natural materials carefully chosen to aid child development and set out to be a sensory adventure for the children, including age-appropriate toys and furnishings and textures, lights and sounds. The room also contains an integrated changing facility and sleep pods with soft lighting and soothing music.

Baby lying on a mat at Lingfield College Nursery


Baby playing with a toy at Lingfield Nursery

Learning Through Play 

We understand that babies have an intrinsic desire to explore, discover and investigate with all their senses and whole bodies during this phase. Our experienced practitioners will encourage and nurture the children's strong exploratory impulses; through thoughtfully planned activities and introductory experiences; this will form the foundation of the children’s early learning experience, giving them the very best start to their education. 

Another fundamental part of our role with babies is to ensure that we instil a positive sense of personal identity and encourage character development. We do this by treating each child as unique, appreciating and understanding all the things that interest them and encouraging their development across all areas. In the Nursery, we follow the EYFS Foundation Stage framework, with all children benefiting from specialist teaching in PE, Music, Forest School and, as they get older, Languages.


Outside Learning 

We recognise that the outside environment is as essential for learning as the inside. Our youngest babies and toddlers will have access to newly designed play areas where they can safely discover the outdoors. Babies are also given the opportunity to explore and have some of their first experiences doing sensory and tactile-based activities in our Forest School.

Life in the Baby Room

Mealtimes are a time for developing positive attitudes and behaviours towards food. Our trained onsite chefs provide our children with a balanced, nutritious mealtime menu and snacks. The children are encouraged to eat together in small groups and begin using cutlery. Mealtimes can also be adapted to support individual weaning approaches, breastfeeding breaks, and dietary requirements. 

We follow OFSTED guidance with a 1:3 ratio to ensure the children have the individual care and attention they need. Experienced nursery practitioners in the room will work with families to mimic babies’ home routines regarding sleep routines, bottles and weaning following the Key Person system.

Relationships with parents are more important than ever at this early stage, and we positively encourage this involvement, guidance and feedback. Communication is key to an effective partnership, and we share information with parents about the day through Famly App; we also communicate via newsletters and key-person discussions.

Settling In 

We will go above and beyond to ensure that nursery children are happy and content with us. Therefore, we have put together a flexible and considered approach to this at Lingfield Nursery. In the weeks before starting with us, we will arrange a series of short visits to get them used to the environment and staff. We tailor this process to every child, offering fewer or more sessions as necessary and further opportunities at drop-in stay-and-play sessions.  


At the age of 2, we will prepare them to transition from the baby room into the next caterpillar classroom. Being familiar and comfortable with your surroundings is key to a smooth and worry-free transition. Our Nursery and Reception classrooms are located next to each other in the same building with an adjoining play area. We will always keep a close eye on the children as they make this important transition, and we make every effort for it to be as seamless as possible.

For more information about our new Baby Room or to book a tour, contact our Admissions Team via email or on 01342 838153. 

Lingfield College Opens New Baby Room for Youngest Pupils

Lingfield College Opens New Baby Room for Youngest Pupils Discover Lingfield College Nursery's brand new baby room, The Cocoon – a bright and contemporary space for infants to learn and grow in a safe and nurturing environment.